From this reflection point, the work presents an installation – “Truth” (from Google Series), a sculpture built with a seesaw and lunettes at its ends sides, alluding the volatility of versions and visions of the truth. This set is inserted in a panorama constructed with a horizon line formed by word “Truth”, translated by 104 languages of Google Translator, the most onipresent tool of tools, as an analogy of power holding, because these are the languages “elected” by the multinational giant, relativizing our understanding of what the truth is.
Artist Alexandre Murucci
Lives and work in Rio, is a Brazilian visual artist, art director, designer and writer. Graduated by Parque Laje School of Visual Art, under the guidance of Fernando Cocchiaralle, Rio’s Modern Art Museum director, among others. His work with sculptures, installations, photography and video, led him to receive the Ibêre Camargo Foundation Prize and others, such as the Thyssen-Bornemisza Foundation TB2. Among main exhibitions he participated are: “Las Americas Latinas – Las Fatigas Del Querer” in Milan, curated by Philippe Daverio, The Lichkunst Austria Biennale, and shows in the USA, Cuba, Portugal, Italy, Slovenia and Spain, aside from other 62 exhibitions, in 20 years of trajectory.